How to Get a Restraining Order in Sydney?

Iranian family lawyer explaining restraining order process to client in Sydney

In New South Wales (NSW), Australia, restraining orders, also known as Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs), play a critical role in protecting individuals from family violence, harassment, and intimidation. This article provides an in-depth understanding of restraining orders within the realm of family law in NSW, their types, purposes, and the step-by-step process for obtaining them.

What Is a Restraining Order?

In NSW, a restraining order is legally termed as an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO). It is a judicial directive safeguarding individuals from threats, harassment, stalking, or intimidation. AVOs impose specific conditions on the defendant (the person against whom the order is made) to prevent further harm to the protected person.

Key Points About Restraining Orders in NSW:

  • Types: NSW recognizes two types of AVOs – Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders (ADVOs) for domestic situations and Apprehended Personal Violence Orders (APVOs) for non-domestic scenarios.
  • Purpose: The primary aim of an AVO is to offer protection against further violence or harassment. It may also include safeguards for children and prohibit the defendant from contacting the protected person.
  • Legal Implications: Breaching an AVO is a criminal offense, potentially leading to imprisonment.
  • Enforceability: An AVO becomes legally enforceable once served to the defendant. Breaches should be reported to the police for action.

How to Obtain a Restraining Order in NSW:

  1. Contact Police: In immediate danger, call 000. For non-emergencies, contact the hotline at 131 444.
  2. Application Process: Visit your local court to apply for an ADVO, providing details of the violence or harassment you’ve experienced.
  3. Court Hearing: Attend the scheduled hearing to present your case and evidence.
  4. Interim Order: The court may issue an interim order for immediate protection pending the final hearing.
  5. Final Hearing: The court evaluates the evidence to decide on issuing a final ADVO with specific conditions.
  6. Enforcement: Once issued, the ADVO becomes legally binding. Report any breaches to the police.

Types of Restraining Orders in NSW:

  1. Family Violence Intervention Order: Suitable for cases involving family members, partners, or ex-partners.
  2. Personal Safety Intervention Order: Applies to situations involving non-family members.

Related Legislation:

The Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 NSW outlines the conditions contained in a restraining order, including prohibitions on assault, threats, harassment, property damage, and animal harm.


  • APVO: For individuals unrelated or not in a domestic relationship, like neighbors or colleagues.
  • ADVO: For those in a domestic relationship, including spouses, partners, and family members.

Implications of an AVO Breach:

Breaching an ADVO in NSW carries serious consequences, including criminal charges, arrest, fines up to $5,500, and/or imprisonment for up to two years. The enforceability of an ADVO is crucial, and any violations are treated with utmost seriousness by law enforcement.

Seeking Expert Legal Advice

Navigating the intricacies of Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs), especially in cases of breaches, can be complex. It is essential to seek expert legal advice and support from a family lawyer experienced in handling Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO) matters. A knowledgeable Iranian family lawyer in Sydney can provide guidance throughout the process, from application to enforcement, ensuring that your rights and safety are adequately protected. Whether it’s about understanding Violence Restraining Orders or the nuances of Apprehended Violence Orders, their expertise is invaluable.


Restraining orders in NSW serve as a vital mechanism for safeguarding individuals from various forms of violence and harassment. Understanding the types of AVOs, their purposes, and the procedures for obtaining and enforcing them is crucial for anyone seeking protection. In situations of family violence or harassment, legal assistance is key to navigating these challenges effectively. Stay informed, stay safe, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help from specialists in Violence Restraining Orders and Apprehended Violence Orders, such as seasoned Iranian lawyers in Sydney.