Legal Disclaimer

Updated: Nov 2023

We make reasonable efforts to provide accurate information on this website. However, we make no representations, promises, guarantees or warranties about the accuracy, suitability or completeness of the content for any purpose. Your use of this website and the information contained therein is at your own risk.

The information provided on this website is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice in any area, including but not limited to legal, financial, tax, medical, health, technical or other expert professional advice. Laws differ across Australian states and territories and are constantly evolving. The information on this website may not apply to your specific circumstances.

We recommend seeking advice from qualified professionals licensed in Australia before relying on any information you find on this website. This includes but is not limited to solicitors, accountants, tax agents, financial advisers, doctors, nurses, engineers or other licensed experts.

We make reasonable efforts to regularly verify the information provided but cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness. Use of this website does not create any professional advisor-client relationship. Your use of the website and its content remains at your own risk.