Will & Estate Law in Australia for Iranian

Will & Estate Law in Australia for Iranian

Navigating Will and Estate Planning Law in Australia presents unique challenges, especially for the Iranian community. This guide aims to demystify the process, providing practical information to help you secure your estate effectively.

Creating Your Will

You take a crucial step in securing your future by making a Will. This legal document specifies how to distribute your assets after your passing. It includes details about specific gifts and instructions for the remainder of your estate.

Selecting an Executor

Choosing a reliable executor is crucial. This person manages your estate as per your Will, handling tasks like settling debts and distributing assets.

Providing for Minor Children

If you have children under 18, appoint a guardian in your Will. You can also create trusts to manage their inheritance until they reach a specific age​​.

Managing Overseas Assets

For those with assets abroad, it’s essential to understand different succession laws. Assets in other countries might not follow Australian laws, making the transfer process complex after death. Getting legal advice for incorporating these assets into your Australian estate plan is a wise move​​.

Regularly Updating Your Will

Life changes like marriage, divorce, or the birth of children call for updating your Will. This ensures it reflects your current wishes and circumstances.

Tax Implications

Understanding the tax implications for your estate and beneficiaries is part of estate planning. Consider the taxes on foreign assets and their impact on your estate.

Navigating Complex Estates

Complex estates, especially with assets in multiple countries or foreign beneficiaries, require careful planning. The recent changes in Australia’s foreign investment laws impact how certain assets get inherited by foreign beneficiaries​​.


Effective estate planning is vital for Iranians in Australia. It ensures that your wishes for asset distribution are respected. For specific advice, consulting a Will & Estate Planning Lawyer is highly advisable.